US Green Cards by Investment (EB-5 Visa Program)

Invest in the United States to secure permanent residency and eventual citizenship for yourself and your family! 


Investment and Eligibility Criteria 

The EB-5 investor visa offers a unique opportunity to secure permanent residency and citizenship in the US.

Please review the following questions to instantly assess your eligibility: 

1. Investment Capacity
  • Do you have $800,000 available to invest? This amount allows you to invest in EB-5 projects and secures residency permits for you and your family in the US. 
2. Process and Timing
  • Are you comfortable with the timeline associated with EB-5 investments? It typically takes about 1-2 years for your conditional green card to be approved. This period allows you and your family to prepare to move to the United States.  
3. Source and Background Verification 
  • Can you prove that the funds for the investment have been legally obtained and that you have no criminal record in your country of origin? It is essential to demonstrate that your investment funds were lawfully acquired and that you have a clean criminal record. You must also confirm that you have had no previous US visa violations. 
Ready to Apply? If you answered ‘yes’ to the above questions, you might be eligible for the EB-5 investor visa. Fill out the form below to contact us, receive more information about the process, and start your investment journey toward a new life in the US

For More Information and Inquiries 

If you need more information about the EB-5 Investor Visa process, investment opportunities, or any other related queries, please contact us. Our team is ready to offer information and support throughout the entire process. 

Learn more about EB-5 Visa

The EB-5 visa is based on an investment but this marketing presentation and event do not constitute an offer to sell securities.  If you are interested in seeing project investment documents, we ask you to contact LCR directly so we can confirm you are an accredited investor or the equivalent in your market. We can also then focus the conversation on your individual or family needs. And, while we will be discussing areas of immigration law, none of the conversation or Q&A can be considered legal advice.  You will need to reach out to an immigration attorney and enter a client-attorney relationship to receive legal advice.