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Pathways to College and Residency in the United States

Webinar Recording 

This webinar was a conversation about the US college admissions process, and how the EB-5 Immigrant Investor Program can help students with their career path.

Topics covered:

  • Current landscape of US college admissions
  • Most important aspects students should consider during their high school journey
  • The benefits of US residency
  • Limitations of the F-1 OPT and H-1B
  • Process, timeline, and costs for the EB-5 Immigrant Investor Program
Watch the Video

Meet the Speakers


Raj Chinai

Managing Director at LCR Capital Partners

Raj is spearheading the firm’s expansion into key strategic markets, including the Middle East, India, Africa and Southeast Asia. He previously served on the firm’s Advisory Board. Raj is the Co-Founder and Co-Chair of Harvard Business School Angels’ India Chapter, which was launched in 2011 in Bangalore, India. HBS Angels is now the largest university-affiliated angel group in the world. He is also the former President of both, the Penn & Wharton Alumni Club of Bangalore (2013-15) and the Kellogg Alumni Club of India (2011-14). For over 20 years, as part of the Penn Alumni Interview Program, he has served as a university ambassador.


Amanda Miller

Partner at The Collegiate Path

As a long-standing member of Yale University’s Alumni Schools Committee in India, Amanda interviewed and evaluated dozens of university applicants. Through these interviews and post-interview guidance, she realized that too many students do not fully understand what differentiates the American liberal arts style of education, and that overseas applicants often have poor or no advice on how best to present their candidacy. She became inspired to focus on formally helping students navigate the complex U.S. college application process. She finds great joy in working with young people and advising students during the college application and decision process.

Meet the Moderator


Meghna Prasad

Partner at The Collegiate Path

Over a 14-year corporate career in the United States and India spanning health care, pharma, brand consulting, and software development, Meghna interviewed and helped recruit recent graduates into a variety of roles. She managed and mentored many of them early in their career paths. A generalist to the core, she has become a passionate advocate for a liberal arts education in preparing young people for evolving career paths and becoming engaged citizens. Meghna’s love of editing started with her very first job, and continues to be a key focus and source of fulfilment for her in supporting applicants on both undergraduate and MBA applications.

Pathways to College and Residency in the United States

Jun 20, 2021 - 4PM IST | 2:30PM GST | 6:30PM SGT


The EB-5 visa is based on an investment but this marketing presentation and event do not constitute an offer to sell securities.  If you are interested in seeing project investment documents, we ask you to contact LCR directly so we can confirm you are an accredited investor or the equivalent in your market. We can also then focus the conversation on your individual or family needs. And, while we will be discussing areas of immigration law, none of the conversation or Q&A can be considered legal advice.  You will need to reach out to an immigration attorney and enter a client-attorney relationship to receive legal advice.